Finally... Jetstar agreed to brief us on our FYP details.. so there we go.. making our way back to the airport.. Looking back at my team members even during holidayss..
I was hoping that the briefing would provide us with sufficient knowledge to kick start our projects.. but it turned out to be that it was more detaily explained for all the 3 other team doing on customer service rather than on our team doing on ground handling.. It was sooo ambiguos that it left my team wondering " oookaaayy.... so what are we supposed to do now??" Then came Mr Mohandas Ramanathan S/O Mahatma Gandhi for our rescue! To clear all our BIG question marks on top of our head.. he said that he will brief us seperately on another day! the end of the day.. the briefing was BORING!
But nooooo... when im with my good frens in airport.. nothing comes in our way to mispell
Yeah.. had lots of fun.. :
-Viewing my lovely 777s!
-Looking around
-Walking around
-Playing around
-Bullying around
-Merry go round
it was reall fun.. cant wait to meet ya guys again!
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